The action "Green Transformation for SMEs" is the second part of the package of actions "Green Transition for SMEs." As with the first action, the publication of the preliminary announcement took place a few days ago, and the announcement is expected, according to the planned upcoming calls, in early 2023. The two main differences between the two actions of the program are the amount of the investment plan, which in the action "Green Transformation for SMEs" ranges from €200,001.00 to €1,000,000.00, and the option for investors to choose funding schemes for support.
Purpose of the Action
The purpose of the action "Green Transformation for SMEs" is to encourage larger investment plans aimed at utilizing modern technologies and further upgrading the produced products. By increasing the percentage of subsidies, additional incentives are provided for actions that utilize modern technologies related to energy upgrading, circular economy, and the adoption of clean energy sources.
Eligible Beneficiaries and Basic Requirements
Existing medium-sized, small, and micro enterprises that meet the following conditions can submit a proposal for the action:
- Must have at least one (1) complete closed management year before the date of electronic submission of the funding application.
- Must operate significantly (Main Activity Code or Activity Code with the highest revenue) in one (1) eligible Activity Code as per the call before the date of electronic submission of the funding application.
- Must have the eligible Activity Code(s) for investment as per the call before the date of electronic submission of the funding application.
- Must have at least three (3) Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) employees in the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application.
- Must not have commenced operations for the investment plan before the submission of the funding application.
- Must declare as the place/places for implementing the actions of this action exclusively one category of Region.
- Must operate exclusively as corporate/commercial enterprises.
- Must meet the conditions of the EU Regulation that underpins the funding scheme for support they will choose mandatorily during the submission of the funding application. There is an option to choose either Regulation (EU) 651/2014 (GBER) or Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 (De minimis).
Eligible Expenses
The eligible expenses are as follows:
1 | Δαπάνες για κτιριακές και λοιπές εγκαταστάσεις | Κτίρια, εγκαταστάσεις και περιβάλλων χώρος | up to 40% | up to 40% Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ | |
2 | Δαπάνες Εξοπλισμού | Μηχανήματα – Εξοπλισμός (Συμβατικές Δαπάνες) 2.1 Production & Mechanical Equipment 2.2 Other Equipment | up to 100% Other equipment (2.2) up to 5% of the total subsidized expenditure of category 2 | 2.1 από 20% έως 100% 2.2 έως 5% της συνολικής επιχορηγούμενης δαπάνης της κατηγορίας 2 Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ | |
3 | Δαπάνες Εξοπλισμού | Εξοπλισμός (GREEN)* 3.1 Εξοπλισμός για βελτίωση Ενεργειακής Απόδοσης /εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας 3.2 Εξοπλισμός κυκλικής οικονομίας 3.3 Εξοπλισμός παραγωγής ενέργειας από ΑΠΕ για ιδιoκατανάλωση | up to 50% | up to 50% Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ Κατ. Δαπ.3.3 Άρθρο 41 ΓΚΑΚ | Δαπάνη «Πράσινης Μετάβασης» (GREEN) |
SERVICES | |||||
4 | Expenses for Provision of Services | Πιστοποίηση Προϊόντων – Υπηρεσιών –Διαδικασιών 4.1 Πιστοποίηση και συμμόρφωση προϊόντων σύμφωνα με εθνικά, εναρμονισμένα καθώς και προαιρετικά πρότυπα ευρωπαϊκών χωρών ή /και χωρών εκτός Ε.Ε. 4.2 Πιστοποίηση υπηρεσιών & διαδικασιών σύμφωνα με εθνικά, εναρμονισμένα καθώς και λοιπά ευρωπαϊκά και διεθνή πρότυπα. 4.3. Πνευματική ιδιοκτησία – Ευρεσιτεχνίες – Μεταφορά τεχνογνωσίας | up to 10% | έως 10% και έως 50.000€ Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ | Άυλα στοιχεία ενεργητικού |
5 | Δαπάνες για Παροχή Υπηρεσιών | Υπηρεσίες Σχεδιασμού Συσκευασίας – Ετικέτας – Branding | up to 5% | up to 5% Άρθρο 18 ΓΚΑΚ | |
6 | Δαπάνες για Παροχή Υπηρεσιών | Δαπάνες Προβολής και Εξωστρέφειας | Up to €20,000 | Not eligible | |
7 | Δαπάνες για Παροχή Υπηρεσιών | Συμμετοχή σε εμπορικές εκθέσεις | Up to 10% | ως 10% Άρθρο 19 ΓΚΑΚ | |
8 | Δαπάνες για Παροχή Υπηρεσιών | Technical Studies 8.1 Οι Τεχνικές Μελέτες απαραιτήτως συνδεόμενες με δαπάνες των κατηγοριών 1,2 και 3 | up to 10% | έως 10% και έως 80.000€ Άρθρο 18 ΓΚΑΚ | |
Consulting Services 8.2 Monitoring of the investment project | έως 4% και μέχρι 10.000€ | έως 4% και έως 25.000€ Άρθρο 18 ΓΚΑΚ | |||
9 | Transportation means | Transportation means (GREEN)* Υποχρεωτικά ηλεκτρικά | Up to €50,000 | έως 25% και έως 100.000€ Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ | Δαπάνη «Πράσινης Μετάβασης» (GREEN) |
10 | Μισθολογικό cost | Labor Cost νέων εργαζομένων (νέο προσωπικό από 1 έως 3 ΕΜΕ ) | Έως 20% και μέχρι 45.000 € με χρήση κοινής στήριξης (άρθρο 25 ΚΑΝ ΕΕ 1060/2021) | Not eligible | |
11 | Έμμεσες δαπάνες | Indirect expenses | 7% of the eligible direct expenses of the investment project Article 54, Reg. 1060/2021 with the use of common support (Article 25 Reg. 1060/2021) |
The date of eligibility for expenses is defined as the date of submission of the funding application.
Amounts and Rates of Support
The subsidized budget of each investment plan ranges from €200,001 to €1,000,000. The subsidized budget of the investment plan cannot exceed twice the highest turnover achieved in one of the three (or fewer if the enterprise does not have three) management periods of the year preceding the submission of the funding application, with a maximum limit of €1,000,000.
In the context of this action, there is an option to choose between the following funding schemes for support:
- Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 (De Minimis Regulation)
- Regulation (EU) 651/2014 (GBER), Articles 14, 18, 19, and 41.
During the submission of the application, the enterprise must select one of the two funding schemes for support. The selection of the scheme is mandatory for the submission of the Funding Application and cannot be altered at a later stage. The support rates for the investment plans and the private contribution of the beneficiary for the total eligible expenses of the investment plans vary depending on the funding scheme for support chosen and range from 40% to 60%.
The subsidy percentage may receive a 10% increase upon the inclusion of the investment plan, which will be allocated at each stage of certification of the physical and economic object. The above increase is confirmed if expenses for the "Green Transition" (GREEN) are realized and certified at a rate of at least 20% of the total eligible budget of the investment plan during the final verification stage.
The action is expected to be announced shortly and will remain open for submission of applications throughout the programming period 2021-2027.
The deadline and method of submission, the required documentation, the obligations of beneficiaries, as well as the other implementation terms will be detailed in the Detailed Invitation of the Action.
You can find the preliminary publication of the action here.
For more information, request a telephone appointment by clicking the button below, and a specialized economist from our company will contact you.
“Green” Investments through the New Program “Green Transition for SMEs”
ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Finance
The action "Green Transformation for SMEs" is the second part of the package of actions "Green Transition for SMEs." As with the first action, the publication of the preliminary announcement took place a few days ago, and the announcement is expected, according to the planned upcoming calls, in early 2023. The two main differences between the two actions of the program are the amount of the investment plan, which in the action "Green Transformation for SMEs" ranges from €200,001.00 to €1,000,000.00, and the option for investors to choose funding schemes for support.
Purpose of the Action
The purpose of the action "Green Transformation for SMEs" is to encourage larger investment plans aimed at utilizing modern technologies and further upgrading the produced products. By increasing the percentage of subsidies, additional incentives are provided for actions that utilize modern technologies related to energy upgrading, circular economy, and the adoption of clean energy sources.
Eligible Beneficiaries and Basic Requirements
Existing medium-sized, small, and micro enterprises that meet the following conditions can submit a proposal for the action:
- Must have at least one (1) complete closed management year before the date of electronic submission of the funding application.
- Must operate significantly (Main Activity Code or Activity Code with the highest revenue) in one (1) eligible Activity Code as per the call before the date of electronic submission of the funding application.
- Must have the eligible Activity Code(s) for investment as per the call before the date of electronic submission of the funding application.
- Must have at least three (3) Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) employees in the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application.
- Must not have commenced operations for the investment plan before the submission of the funding application.
- Must declare as the place/places for implementing the actions of this action exclusively one category of Region.
- Must operate exclusively as corporate/commercial enterprises.
- Must meet the conditions of the EU Regulation that underpins the funding scheme for support they will choose mandatorily during the submission of the funding application. There is an option to choose either Regulation (EU) 651/2014 (GBER) or Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 (De minimis).
Eligible Expenses
The eligible expenses are as follows:
1 | Δαπάνες για κτιριακές και λοιπές εγκαταστάσεις | Κτίρια, εγκαταστάσεις και περιβάλλων χώρος | up to 40% | up to 40% Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ | |
2 | Δαπάνες Εξοπλισμού | Μηχανήματα – Εξοπλισμός (Συμβατικές Δαπάνες) 2.1 Production & Mechanical Equipment 2.2 Other Equipment | up to 100% Other equipment (2.2) up to 5% of the total subsidized expenditure of category 2 | 2.1 από 20% έως 100% 2.2 έως 5% της συνολικής επιχορηγούμενης δαπάνης της κατηγορίας 2 Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ | |
3 | Δαπάνες Εξοπλισμού | Εξοπλισμός (GREEN)* 3.1 Εξοπλισμός για βελτίωση Ενεργειακής Απόδοσης /εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας 3.2 Εξοπλισμός κυκλικής οικονομίας 3.3 Εξοπλισμός παραγωγής ενέργειας από ΑΠΕ για ιδιoκατανάλωση | up to 50% | up to 50% Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ Κατ. Δαπ.3.3 Άρθρο 41 ΓΚΑΚ | Δαπάνη «Πράσινης Μετάβασης» (GREEN) |
SERVICES | |||||
4 | Expenses for Provision of Services | Πιστοποίηση Προϊόντων – Υπηρεσιών –Διαδικασιών 4.1 Πιστοποίηση και συμμόρφωση προϊόντων σύμφωνα με εθνικά, εναρμονισμένα καθώς και προαιρετικά πρότυπα ευρωπαϊκών χωρών ή /και χωρών εκτός Ε.Ε. 4.2 Πιστοποίηση υπηρεσιών & διαδικασιών σύμφωνα με εθνικά, εναρμονισμένα καθώς και λοιπά ευρωπαϊκά και διεθνή πρότυπα. 4.3. Πνευματική ιδιοκτησία – Ευρεσιτεχνίες – Μεταφορά τεχνογνωσίας | up to 10% | έως 10% και έως 50.000€ Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ | Άυλα στοιχεία ενεργητικού |
5 | Δαπάνες για Παροχή Υπηρεσιών | Υπηρεσίες Σχεδιασμού Συσκευασίας – Ετικέτας – Branding | up to 5% | up to 5% Άρθρο 18 ΓΚΑΚ | |
6 | Δαπάνες για Παροχή Υπηρεσιών | Δαπάνες Προβολής και Εξωστρέφειας | Up to €20,000 | Not eligible | |
7 | Δαπάνες για Παροχή Υπηρεσιών | Συμμετοχή σε εμπορικές εκθέσεις | Up to 10% | ως 10% Άρθρο 19 ΓΚΑΚ | |
8 | Δαπάνες για Παροχή Υπηρεσιών | Technical Studies 8.1 Οι Τεχνικές Μελέτες απαραιτήτως συνδεόμενες με δαπάνες των κατηγοριών 1,2 και 3 | up to 10% | έως 10% και έως 80.000€ Άρθρο 18 ΓΚΑΚ | |
Consulting Services 8.2 Monitoring of the investment project | έως 4% και μέχρι 10.000€ | έως 4% και έως 25.000€ Άρθρο 18 ΓΚΑΚ | |||
9 | Transportation means | Transportation means (GREEN)* Υποχρεωτικά ηλεκτρικά | Up to €50,000 | έως 25% και έως 100.000€ Άρθρο 14 ΓΚΑΚ | Δαπάνη «Πράσινης Μετάβασης» (GREEN) |
10 | Μισθολογικό cost | Labor Cost νέων εργαζομένων (νέο προσωπικό από 1 έως 3 ΕΜΕ ) | Έως 20% και μέχρι 45.000 € με χρήση κοινής στήριξης (άρθρο 25 ΚΑΝ ΕΕ 1060/2021) | Not eligible | |
11 | Έμμεσες δαπάνες | Indirect expenses | 7% of the eligible direct expenses of the investment project Article 54, Reg. 1060/2021 with the use of common support (Article 25 Reg. 1060/2021) |
The date of eligibility for expenses is defined as the date of submission of the funding application.
Amounts and Rates of Support
The subsidized budget of each investment plan ranges from €200,001 to €1,000,000. The subsidized budget of the investment plan cannot exceed twice the highest turnover achieved in one of the three (or fewer if the enterprise does not have three) management periods of the year preceding the submission of the funding application, with a maximum limit of €1,000,000.
In the context of this action, there is an option to choose between the following funding schemes for support:
- Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 (De Minimis Regulation)
- Regulation (EU) 651/2014 (GBER), Articles 14, 18, 19, and 41.
During the submission of the application, the enterprise must select one of the two funding schemes for support. The selection of the scheme is mandatory for the submission of the Funding Application and cannot be altered at a later stage. The support rates for the investment plans and the private contribution of the beneficiary for the total eligible expenses of the investment plans vary depending on the funding scheme for support chosen and range from 40% to 60%.
The subsidy percentage may receive a 10% increase upon the inclusion of the investment plan, which will be allocated at each stage of certification of the physical and economic object. The above increase is confirmed if expenses for the "Green Transition" (GREEN) are realized and certified at a rate of at least 20% of the total eligible budget of the investment plan during the final verification stage.
The action is expected to be announced shortly and will remain open for submission of applications throughout the programming period 2021-2027.
The deadline and method for submission, required documentation, beneficiary obligations, and other terms of implementation will be described in the Detailed Call of the Action.
You can find the preliminary publication of the action here.
For more information, request a telephone appointment by clicking the button below, and a specialized economist from our company will contact you.