Key Points of the Article:
- What exactly is net-metering or net metering
- During “life” pv 25 years
- Surplus energy is stored for three years
- Sizes of photovoltaic depending on the business or residence
- The differentiation in the islands
- Any zero cost supply
- Saving money every time
- Implementation time is approximately 2 months
- Supporting documents required and how to take the first step
The transition to green energy, particularly with the net metering to homes and businesses, is one of the most important topics of discussion in the last few years. References to photovoltaic systems and renewable energy sources are a daily occurrence in newspapers, tv and radio, creating a hazy landscape on whether this is indeed a feasible solution for everyone, or if the output power remains a privilege of the few.
The technology development of pv has turned, indeed, the production of energy in an affordable solution. In contrast to previous years that the costs were to dizzying heights for anyone who wants to reduce and, why not, to reduce to zero the cost of the power required for the operation of the business or the home. This is achieved through net metering, which is today and tomorrow in the production of energy for their own consumption.
Terminologies such as “net metering” and information that are included in most articles, there are many times understood to the reader. This has as a result of the created more questions and by extension objections. Through this article we will try to make it understood what is the net metering photovoltaics, how they work and how to translate financial data for homes and businesses.
What it is and how it works net metering?
With the term net metering, or energy net metering, we refer to the offsetting of the energy produced by the photovoltaic system against the energy consumed at the property where the installation has been made. The peculiarity of energy net metering lies in the fact that the account settlement is carried out every three years. Therefore, the energy generated by the photovoltaic system that is not used directly is not lost. On the contrary, it remains available for consumption for the remaining period until the three-year cycle is completed. This allows the energy producer to use it when needed. For example, if a house or business produces 1,150 kilowatt-hours of energy per month with a 10 kW photovoltaic system and consumes 980 kilowatt-hours, the remaining 170 kilowatt-hours are 'stored' and will be available for consumption within the next three years.
The counting of the energy produced by the photovoltaic system as well as incoming from the Network of energy are the responsibility of the HEDNO. The energy supplier is responsible for the process of clearing, on the basis of data received from the measurements of the HEDNO. This is the reason why, a 25-year term, netting contract is signed with the provider of electricity and not by HEDNO, in which, however, becomes the connection request of the system to the network. In the event of a change in provider, the new contract has a duration equal to the residual of the 25-year period of time. If, for example, a house or a company has net metering photovoltaic system for ten years and decided to change energy supplier, then the new contract will be valid for 15 years.
A surplus of energy at the end of three years is lost
It is important to note, that at the end of 3 years old any surplus energy generated will not be reimbursed by the provider, but lost. Therefore, to achieve the optimal balance of performance and cost, the installation of the photovoltaic system should be designed appropriately in order for the excess energy to be the minimum possible. For this reason you must be selected and the appropriate company of scholars, such as the ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables, which has extensive experience in studies and photovoltaic systems.
What photovoltaic system can I put?
The maximum power of a photovoltaic installation for energy clearing depends on the agreed power supply and is subject to certain restrictions as regards the size of the system that can be installed in each property, while also depends on the area of installation of the system.
Since this is a professional space the power of the photovoltaic system may be up to 20kW or up to half of the agreed upon power, in the case that this is more than 20kW. For example, if the agreed-upon power-consumption is the 35kVA (providing Nth3) can be installed photovoltaic system up to 20kW while if the agreed power is the 55kVA, then, can be installed power system 27,5 kW. Respectively, if the system will be installed regard to residence then the maximum allowable limit, in the case that there is a three-phase supply, formed in the 10kW while if the supply is single-phase, then it is allowed to install up to 5kW. Read here. the factors that you need to count before you make the purchase and installation of a pv for housing.
How can I determine if the supply is three-phase single-phase?
You can easily determine whether your supply is three-phase or single-phase by checking the agreed power indicated on your provider's bill. If the indicated kVA is between 8 and 12, then it is a single-phase supply, whereas if it exceeds 12, it is a three-phase supply.
What is the net metering on the islands?
If the installation of the system is to be carried out in any of the non-interconnected Islands, then the limits are reduced. The margin on these islands is quite smaller. In more detail, for houses allowed the installation of photovoltaic systems up to 5kW. For professionals, the limit of 20kW falls in the 10kW or 50% of the agreed power.
However, in addition to the limits placed by the applicable legislation, an important role in the final selection of the system plays and the volume occupied by the installation. On the basis of recent technological developments, it is estimated that each kW installed requires an area equal to 5 sq.m. free surface. Therefore, it is quite safe to say that a solar panel system 10kW for house needs at least 50 square meters unallocated space.
Net metering: The electric bill can be reduced to zero, provider no.
Net Metering, under certain conditions, can eliminate the electricity cost for a household or a business. However, it cannot completely eliminate the bill from the provider. This is because regulated charges and fees still apply. In the following example, the differences are shown for a residential customer who has not installed a photovoltaic system and for a self-producer with a 5kW system, assuming that both cases require 8000kWh annually.
It is therefore understood that the account will not be reset, but the difference is evident as a photovoltaic installation, not to exceed 6.000€ to installation costs, saves a year on the 920€, achieving the depreciation to 6.5 years.
With simple math, in the above example, someone with a photovoltaic system at home, it pays in 55.6% (over half) is less money in a relationship with someone who doesn't have solar.
This means that, after the 6.5 years that will be needed to write off the just €6,000 spent in order to install the photovoltaic, will saves €920,40 time for 18.5 years, that is, a sum of the order of €17.027,40 which would otherwise be paid to the power supply, while now it will contribute to the family income.
What is included in an installation for net metering, and that can be fitted?
A complete photovoltaic system for energy clearing consists of the photovoltaic panels that are installed in special bases. It consists also of the inverter voltage and the energy meter of the energy produced. When the sunlight hits the solar panel generated electricity. The electricity led to the inverter voltage in order to turn the dc that has been produced in ac. Subsequently, the ac current passes from the power meter, and from the conventional clock that exists in each property before it is consumed or returned to the network. In this way completes the process of self-production, the whole or a part, of the electrical power required to operate a residence or a workplace.
The most common place to install a photovoltaic system is the top of the property or the roof. Nevertheless, the legislation allows for their installation on other structures as well as on the ground. For the territory, a necessary condition, to be located in the same space with the plant consumption of that fuel. This has as a result to allow for the installation of, for example, in the shelter of parking places, on the ground or even on the front of the building.
What are the conditions for the installation of a photovoltaic system for Net metering?
In order to carry out the installation of a photovoltaic system for energy clearing is a necessary condition for the existence of active permanent provision in the name of the member self-producer, which will replenish the property with a stream of the hours does not produce the solar system while you will have to proceed to payment or adjustment of accounts.
In addition, a necessary condition, as is natural, is the point that will be selected for the installation to be legitimate and is the property of the owner of the pv system or the νόμιμή use. In the case of a photovoltaic system is to be installed in a shared space like the roof of a block of flats, then one must ensure that the consent of all the co-owners of the building, either through a unanimous decision of the general meeting or by written agreement of each of the co-owners.
In the event that the space where the installation will take place is leased, the owner's consent is required. In the case of co-ownership, if the interested party holds bare ownership, the consent of the usufructuary will also be required. If the interested party holds the usufruct of the property, they can proceed with the installation without needing consent.
What are the documents required for authorisation and implementation time?
The licensing for the net metering is a simple process as long as preceded by the appropriate technical study. The documentation required for the filing of the folder they belong in the following two categories:
A. What gives the person a self-producer.
B. What creates the engineer who will take over the process.
Supporting documents submitted by the applicant for net metering
1. Ownership of the property.
2. Building permit or evidence of the legality of the building will be installed.
3. Last bill paid.
4. Written consent of co-owners, if any.
Supporting that creates/provides the engineer
1. Floor plan of the installation area with embossed the utility
2. Single-line diagram
3. Technical description of the project.
4. Technical brochures of the pv panels and the inverters that will be used.
5. Solemn declarations of the member self-producer and engineer.
In the space of two months, anyone can have net metering photovoltaic
It is estimated that, on average, part of the licensing needs less than two months. The closure of the installation depends on the size of the project. Empirically, we can say that in the space of two months anyone can become a self-producer of the power consumed in the enterprise or at home.
How much does a photovoltaic net metering?
The cost of a photovoltaic system depends primarily on the selection of materials will be placed. The country of origin of the inverters, the technology and the size of the panels that will be used and the total size of the installation, as well as other sizes for homes and others for business so the cost, are the main factors for the cost of a pv installation. On average, it is estimated that the cost of a photovoltaic system for net metering ranges from 1,000 €/kW without the VAT.
However, in addition to the cost of installation, there is the cost of connection of the photovoltaic power station in the network of the HEDNO. This depends on the type of provider, the size of the pv plant and the suitability of the consumption counter. The following is a synopsis of the cost of connection to the network.
Is there a grant for the installation?
The transition to the production of energy through renewable energy sources and the increase of the percentage coverage of the needs of green energy are the primary concern for the European Union and its member states. In this context, there are often grants from state or community funds. The objective, the transition to more and more businesses and houses in the autoproduction of energy.
As far as businesses are concerned, in the NSRF that was completed in 2020, there was a 50% subsidy for those who chose to install photovoltaics. The grants that will be announced soon in the new NSRF are expected to fluctuate at similar levels. Accordingly, residences can be included in the Save - Self-Employment program which provided a subsidy of up to 85% of the investment amount of a photovoltaic system. The start dates of Execoonamo - Autonomo have not been announced yet but the information speaks of the end of the summer with the participants expected to be many in this phase of the program as well.
Therefore, there are solutions of a grant, whether for business or for housing, contributing to a significant reduction of the cost.
I'm interested in net metering, where to begin?
Originally, the first thing they can do someone is concerned to address in one of the specialized offices of engineers are there in order to start the study of preparation of the pv plant.
The engineer, after you have completed the autopsy of the installation site, and collect information on the annual power consumption of the property, calculates the optimal size of the system that will both fit in the space intended to be installed and on the other hand, the produced power will be covering all the energy needs, where this is possible, without creating a surplus of power that will be lost at the end of 3 years old.
Subsequently, following the lodging of the application to the competent department of HEDNO accompanied by the required documents that are analyzed above.
If all the conditions are met, the HEDNO make the necessary Connection Offer, which is valid for three months. The Connection Offer is signed by the person concerned as pay the fee relating to the charge association.
Then the installation of the photovoltaic system to the point that has been defined by the study while at the same time the person goes in the conclusion of a contract for energy clearing with the supplier of the electricity with which it cooperates.
With the signing of the convention of the energy clearing the photovoltaic system is ready to operate and the person concerned is considered to be officially self-producer of the energy needed.
Conclusion: businesses reduce operating costs, the residences save money
To sum up, the net-metering is an easy, quick and economical solution for businesses and residences. Businesses improve their competitiveness and reduce their operating costs. Domestic consumers will never worry again for the consumptions of them. The photovoltaic systems are an affordable luxury that everyone is entitled to and should be enjoyed in their daily lives.
Photovoltaics by ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables: By your side every step of the way
At ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables, we have experience in the study and installation of photovoltaics. We have installed photovoltaic parks as well as systems for residences and businesses throughout Greece, including islands. We handle all the processes, from potential financing to the study, the submission of the application, the installation, and we deliver your photovoltaic system turnkey.
Are you interested in photovoltaic; Click on the button “I Want a phone appointment” below, fill out the form and a competent engineer will contact with you to solve all your questions and to guide you to the right decision.
Net metering photovoltaic systems: a Guide to beginners for easy decisions
George Kotakis
Electrical Engineer |
ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Autonomous
Key Points of the Article:
- What exactly is net-metering or net metering
- During “life” pv 25 years
- Surplus energy is stored for three years
- Sizes of photovoltaic depending on the business or residence
- The differentiation in the islands
- Any zero cost supply
- Saving money every time
- Implementation time is approximately 2 months
- Supporting documents required and how to take the first step
The transition to green energy, particularly with the net metering to homes and businesses, is one of the most important topics of discussion in the last few years. References to photovoltaic systems and renewable energy sources are a daily occurrence in newspapers, tv and radio, creating a hazy landscape on whether this is indeed a feasible solution for everyone, or if the output power remains a privilege of the few.
The technology development of pv has turned, indeed, the production of energy in an affordable solution. In contrast to previous years that the costs were to dizzying heights for anyone who wants to reduce and, why not, to reduce to zero the cost of the power required for the operation of the business or the home. This is achieved through net metering, which is today and tomorrow in the production of energy for their own consumption.
Terminologies such as “net metering” and information that are included in most articles, there are many times understood to the reader. This has as a result of the created more questions and by extension objections. Through this article we will try to make it understood what is the net metering photovoltaics, how they work and how to translate financial data for homes and businesses.
What it is and how it works net metering?
With the term net metering, or energy net metering, we refer to the offsetting of the energy produced by the photovoltaic system against the energy consumed at the property where the installation has been made. The peculiarity of energy net metering lies in the fact that the account settlement is carried out every three years. Therefore, the energy generated by the photovoltaic system that is not used directly is not lost. On the contrary, it remains available for consumption for the remaining period until the three-year cycle is completed. This allows the energy producer to use it when needed. For example, if a house or business produces 1,150 kilowatt-hours of energy per month with a 10 kW photovoltaic system and consumes 980 kilowatt-hours, the remaining 170 kilowatt-hours are 'stored' and will be available for consumption within the next three years.
The counting of the energy produced by the photovoltaic system as well as incoming from the Network of energy are the responsibility of the HEDNO. The energy supplier is responsible for the process of clearing, on the basis of data received from the measurements of the HEDNO. This is the reason why, a 25-year term, netting contract is signed with the provider of electricity and not by HEDNO, in which, however, becomes the connection request of the system to the network. In the event of a change in provider, the new contract has a duration equal to the residual of the 25-year period of time. If, for example, a house or a company has net metering photovoltaic system for ten years and decided to change energy supplier, then the new contract will be valid for 15 years.
A surplus of energy at the end of three years is lost
It is important to note, that at the end of 3 years old any surplus energy generated will not be reimbursed by the provider, but lost. Therefore, to achieve the optimal balance of performance and cost, the installation of the photovoltaic system should be designed appropriately in order for the excess energy to be the minimum possible. For this reason you must be selected and the appropriate company of scholars, such as the ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables, which has extensive experience in studies and photovoltaic systems.

What photovoltaic system can I put?
The maximum power of a photovoltaic installation for energy clearing depends on the agreed power supply and is subject to certain restrictions as regards the size of the system that can be installed in each property, while also depends on the area of installation of the system.
Since this is a professional space the power of the photovoltaic system may be up to 20kW or up to half of the agreed upon power, in the case that this is more than 20kW. For example, if the agreed-upon power-consumption is the 35kVA (providing Nth3) can be installed photovoltaic system up to 20kW while if the agreed power is the 55kVA, then, can be installed power system 27,5 kW. Respectively, if the system will be installed regard to residence then the maximum allowable limit, in the case that there is a three-phase supply, formed in the 10kW while if the supply is single-phase, then it is allowed to install up to 5kW. Read here. the factors that you need to count before you make the purchase and installation of a pv for housing.
How can I determine if the supply is three-phase single-phase?
You can easily determine whether your supply is three-phase or single-phase by checking the agreed power indicated on your provider's bill. If the indicated kVA is between 8 and 12, then it is a single-phase supply, whereas if it exceeds 12, it is a three-phase supply.
What is the net metering on the islands?
If the installation of the system is to be carried out in any of the non-interconnected Islands, then the limits are reduced. The margin on these islands is quite smaller. In more detail, for houses allowed the installation of photovoltaic systems up to 5kW. For professionals, the limit of 20kW falls in the 10kW or 50% of the agreed power.
However, in addition to the limits placed by the applicable legislation, an important role in the final selection of the system plays and the volume occupied by the installation. On the basis of recent technological developments, it is estimated that each kW installed requires an area equal to 5 sq.m. free surface. Therefore, it is quite safe to say that a solar panel system 10kW for house needs at least 50 square meters unallocated space.
Net metering: The electric bill can be reduced to zero, provider no.
Net Metering, under certain conditions, can eliminate the electricity cost for a household or a business. However, it cannot completely eliminate the bill from the provider. This is because regulated charges and fees still apply. In the following example, the differences are shown for a residential customer who has not installed a photovoltaic system and for a self-producer with a 5kW system, assuming that both cases require 8000kWh annually.
It is therefore understood that the account will not be reset, but the difference is evident as a photovoltaic installation, not to exceed 6.000€ to installation costs, saves a year on the 920€, achieving the depreciation to 6.5 years.
With simple math, in the above example, someone with a photovoltaic system at home, it pays in 55.6% (over half) is less money in a relationship with someone who doesn't have solar.
This means that, after the 6.5 years that will be needed to write off the just €6,000 spent in order to install the photovoltaic, will saves €920,40 time for 18.5 years, that is, a sum of the order of €17.027,40 which would otherwise be paid to the power supply, while now it will contribute to the family income.
What is included in an installation for net metering, and that can be fitted?
A complete photovoltaic system for energy clearing consists of the photovoltaic panels that are installed in special bases. It consists also of the inverter voltage and the energy meter of the energy produced. When the sunlight hits the solar panel generated electricity. The electricity led to the inverter voltage in order to turn the dc that has been produced in ac. Subsequently, the ac current passes from the power meter, and from the conventional clock that exists in each property before it is consumed or returned to the network. In this way completes the process of self-production, the whole or a part, of the electrical power required to operate a residence or a workplace.
The most common place to install a photovoltaic system is the top of the property or the roof. Nevertheless, the legislation allows for their installation on other structures as well as on the ground. For the territory, a necessary condition, to be located in the same space with the plant consumption of that fuel. This has as a result to allow for the installation of, for example, in the shelter of parking places, on the ground or even on the front of the building.

What are the conditions for the installation of a photovoltaic system for Net metering?
In order to carry out the installation of a photovoltaic system for energy clearing is a necessary condition for the existence of active permanent provision in the name of the member self-producer, which will replenish the property with a stream of the hours does not produce the solar system while you will have to proceed to payment or adjustment of accounts.
In addition, a necessary condition, as is natural, is the point that will be selected for the installation to be legitimate and is the property of the owner of the pv system or the νόμιμή use. In the case of a photovoltaic system is to be installed in a shared space like the roof of a block of flats, then one must ensure that the consent of all the co-owners of the building, either through a unanimous decision of the general meeting or by written agreement of each of the co-owners.
In the event that the space where the installation will take place is leased, the owner's consent is required. In the case of co-ownership, if the interested party holds bare ownership, the consent of the usufructuary will also be required. If the interested party holds the usufruct of the property, they can proceed with the installation without needing consent.
What are the documents required for authorisation and implementation time?
The licensing for the net metering is a simple process as long as preceded by the appropriate technical study. The documentation required for the filing of the folder they belong in the following two categories:
A. What gives the person a self-producer.
B. What creates the engineer who will take over the process.
Supporting documents submitted by the applicant for net metering
1. Ownership of the property.
2. Building permit or evidence of the legality of the building will be installed.
3. Last bill paid.
4. Written consent of co-owners, if any.
Supporting that creates/provides the engineer
1. Floor plan of the installation area with embossed the utility
2. Single-line diagram
3. Technical description of the project.
4. Technical brochures of the pv panels and the inverters that will be used.
5. Solemn declarations of the member self-producer and engineer.
In the space of two months, anyone can have net metering photovoltaic
It is estimated that, on average, part of the licensing needs less than two months. The closure of the installation depends on the size of the project. Empirically, we can say that in the space of two months anyone can become a self-producer of the power consumed in the enterprise or at home.
How much does a photovoltaic net metering?
The cost of a photovoltaic system depends primarily on the selection of materials will be placed. The country of origin of the inverters, the technology and the size of the panels that will be used and the total size of the installation, as well as other sizes for homes and others for business so the cost, are the main factors for the cost of a pv installation. On average, it is estimated that the cost of a photovoltaic system for net metering ranges from 1,000 €/kW without the VAT.
However, in addition to the cost of installation, there is the cost of connection of the photovoltaic power station in the network of the HEDNO. This depends on the type of provider, the size of the pv plant and the suitability of the consumption counter. The following is a synopsis of the cost of connection to the network.
Is there a grant for the installation?
The transition to the production of energy through renewable energy sources and the increase of the percentage coverage of the needs of green energy are the primary concern for the European Union and its member states. In this context, there are often grants from state or community funds. The objective, the transition to more and more businesses and houses in the autoproduction of energy.
As far as businesses are concerned, in the NSRF that was completed in 2020, there was a 50% subsidy for those who chose to install photovoltaics. The grants that will be announced soon in the new NSRF are expected to fluctuate at similar levels. Accordingly, residences can be included in the Save - Self-Employment program which provided a subsidy of up to 85% of the investment amount of a photovoltaic system. The start dates of Execoonamo - Autonomo have not been announced yet but the information speaks of the end of the summer with the participants expected to be many in this phase of the program as well.
Therefore, there are solutions of a grant, whether for business or for housing, contributing to a significant reduction of the cost.

I'm interested in net metering, where to begin?
Originally, the first thing they can do someone is concerned to address in one of the specialized offices of engineers are there in order to start the study of preparation of the pv plant.
The engineer, after you have completed the autopsy of the installation site, and collect information on the annual power consumption of the property, calculates the optimal size of the system that will both fit in the space intended to be installed and on the other hand, the produced power will be covering all the energy needs, where this is possible, without creating a surplus of power that will be lost at the end of 3 years old.
Subsequently, following the lodging of the application to the competent department of HEDNO accompanied by the required documents that are analyzed above.
If all the conditions are met, the HEDNO make the necessary Connection Offer, which is valid for three months. The Connection Offer is signed by the person concerned as pay the fee relating to the charge association.
Then the installation of the photovoltaic system to the point that has been defined by the study while at the same time the person goes in the conclusion of a contract for energy clearing with the supplier of the electricity with which it cooperates.
With the signing of the convention of the energy clearing the photovoltaic system is ready to operate and the person concerned is considered to be officially self-producer of the energy needed.
Conclusion: businesses reduce operating costs, the residences save money
To sum up, the net-metering is an easy, quick and economical solution for businesses and residences. Businesses improve their competitiveness and reduce their operating costs. Domestic consumers will never worry again for the consumptions of them. The photovoltaic systems are an affordable luxury that everyone is entitled to and should be enjoyed in their daily lives.
Photovoltaics by ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables: By your side every step of the way
At ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Renewables, we have experience in the study and installation of photovoltaics. We have installed photovoltaic parks as well as systems for residences and businesses throughout Greece, including islands. We handle all the processes, from potential financing to the study, the submission of the application, the installation, and we deliver your photovoltaic system turnkey.
Are you interested in photovoltaic; Click on the button “I Want a phone appointment” below, fill out the form and a competent engineer will contact with you to solve all your questions and to guide you to the right decision.