The Action aims at supporting investment projects in the manufacturing sector (with the exception of processing of agricultural products) and investment projects in the industry supply chain with the main subject of the technical, production, managerial, and organizational upgrade, as well as the innovative and outward-looking development and growth.

Eligible beneficiaries

Are the bodies of investments that are established or have a branch in the Greek Territory at the time of commencement of operations of the investment project and have one of the following forms:

– Trading company

– Cooperative

– Social cooperative enterprises (Cc.P.Op)

– Agricultural cooperatives

– Producer Groups

– Urban Cooperatives, Rural Partnerships

– Under foundation or the merging companies, with the obligation to have completed the procedures publicity prior to the commencement of the investment project

– Joint ventures engaged in commercial activity

– State and municipal enterprises and their subsidiaries, provided that:

1. Have not been assigned to serve a public purpose

2. Sponsored functioning with public funds for space maintenance

3. Has not been assigned by the state exclusively to these services

Eligible costs of regional aid

Applies to:

– Investment costs in tangible assets

– Investment costs in intangible assets

– Wage costs of the new jobs created by the realization of the investment project

Eligible costs excluding regional aid

Applies to:

– Expenditure for consultancy in favour of SMES

– Costs for energy efficiency measures

– Costs for cogeneration of high-efficiency Renewable Energy

– Costs for the production of energy from renewable sources

– Costs for installation of efficient heating systems and refrigeration.

– Costs for remediation of contaminated sites

– Costs for recycling and reuse of waste

– Training costs

– Costs for SME participation in trade fairs

– Costs for the recruitment of disadvantaged workers

Types, intensity and amounts of aid

For very small and small businesses the rates of aid include the motivation of:

1. Grant (80% of the ceiling of the Regional Aid Map)

2. Tax exemption

3. Grant of financial lease (leasing)

4. Subsidy cost

For the Medium and Large business rates payments include incentives:

1) Tax relief (80% of the ceiling of the Regional Aid Map)

2) Grant of a lease (80% of the ceiling of the Regional Aid Map)

3) Subsidy cost (80% of the ceiling of the Regional Aid Map)

SizeGrantTax ExemptionLeasingEmployment Costs
Very small and small80% PEP100% PEP100% PEP100% PEP
Medium-80% PEP80% PEP80% PEP
Great-80% PEP80% PEP80% PEP

Subsidy Amount

– For large enterprises, in the amount of eur 1,000,000,

– For medium-sized enterprises, in the amount of € 500,000,

– For small businesses, in the amount of eur 250,000

– For very small businesses, in the amount of 100,000 euros,

– For the Social Enterprises (Cc.P.Et seq.), as well as the Rural Cooperatives (NES), the Producer Groups (POS) and Rural Partnerships (IBP) in the amount of fifty thousand (50,000 euro).


The following restrictions apply to projects subject to the provisions hereof and for a period of three (3) years from the institution's request for inclusion of the investment project:

– The total amount of aid per submitted project can reach up to 10.000.000 eur

– Provided every operator aid, including aid to a partner or affiliated companies, may not exceed a cumulative 20 ec. euro for individual business and 30 ec. euro for the set of linked and partner enterprises, subject to limitations

– For projects that do not satisfy the condition of the integrated nature of initial investment, the aid may not exceed the amount of one million (1,000,000) eur.

Regional aid map

RegionLarge enterprisesMedium EnterprisesSmall Enterprises
Central Macedonia50%60%70%
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace50%60%70%
Western Macedonia40%50%60%
Sterea Hellas40%50%60%
Ionian Islands40%50%60%
Western Greece50%60%70%
North Aegean50%60%70%
South Aegean30%40%50%
Athens(Western Sector)15%25%35%
Eastern Attica, Western Attica, Piraeus, Islands25%35%45%


The evaluation of the applications will be made by the method of comparative evaluation. The evaluation of investment projects starts from the date of submission of the application and is completed with the result of the control evaluation by the Evaluation Committee.

For more information, request a telephone appointment by clicking the button below, and a specialized economist from our company will contact you. 

Development Law 4887/2022: Manufacturing – Supply chain

ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Finance

28 June 2022

The Action aims at supporting investment projects in the manufacturing sector (with the exception of processing of agricultural products) and investment projects in the industry supply chain with the main subject of the technical, production, managerial, and organizational upgrade, as well as the innovative and outward-looking development and growth.

Eligible beneficiaries

Are the bodies of investments that are established or have a branch in the Greek Territory at the time of commencement of operations of the investment project and have one of the following forms:

– Trading company

– Cooperative

– Social cooperative enterprises (Cc.P.Op)

– Agricultural cooperatives

– Producer Groups

– Urban Cooperatives, Rural Partnerships

– Under foundation or the merging companies, with the obligation to have completed the procedures publicity prior to the commencement of the investment project

– Joint ventures engaged in commercial activity

– State and municipal enterprises and their subsidiaries, provided that:

1. Have not been assigned to serve a public purpose

2. Sponsored functioning with public funds for space maintenance

3. Has not been assigned by the state exclusively to these services

Eligible costs of regional aid

Applies to:

– Investment costs in tangible assets

– Investment costs in intangible assets

– Wage costs of the new jobs created by the realization of the investment project

Eligible costs excluding regional aid

Applies to:

– Expenditure for consultancy in favour of SMES

– Costs for energy efficiency measures

– Costs for cogeneration of high-efficiency Renewable Energy

– Costs for the production of energy from renewable sources

– Costs for installation of efficient heating systems and refrigeration.

– Costs for remediation of contaminated sites

– Costs for recycling and reuse of waste

– Training costs

– Costs for SME participation in trade fairs

– Costs for the recruitment of disadvantaged workers

Types, intensity and amounts of aid

For very small and small businesses the rates of aid include the motivation of:

1. Grant (80% of the ceiling of the Regional Aid Map)

2. Tax exemption

3. Grant of financial lease (leasing)

4. Subsidy cost

For the Medium and Large business rates payments include incentives:

1) Tax relief (80% of the ceiling of the Regional Aid Map)

2) Grant of a lease (80% of the ceiling of the Regional Aid Map)

3) Subsidy cost (80% of the ceiling of the Regional Aid Map)

SizeGrantTax ExemptionLeasingEmployment Costs
Very small and small80% PEP100% PEP100% PEP100% PEP
Medium-80% PEP80% PEP80% PEP
Great-80% PEP80% PEP80% PEP

Subsidy Amount

– For large enterprises, in the amount of eur 1,000,000,

– For medium-sized enterprises, in the amount of € 500,000,

– For small businesses, in the amount of eur 250,000

– For very small businesses, in the amount of 100,000 euros,

– For the Social Enterprises (Cc.P.Et seq.), as well as the Rural Cooperatives (NES), the Producer Groups (POS) and Rural Partnerships (IBP) in the amount of fifty thousand (50,000 euro).


The following restrictions apply to projects subject to the provisions hereof and for a period of three (3) years from the institution's request for inclusion of the investment project:

– The total amount of aid per submitted project can reach up to 10.000.000 eur

– Provided every operator aid, including aid to a partner or affiliated companies, may not exceed a cumulative 20 ec. euro for individual business and 30 ec. euro for the set of linked and partner enterprises, subject to limitations

– For projects that do not satisfy the condition of the integrated nature of initial investment, the aid may not exceed the amount of one million (1,000,000) eur.

Regional aid map

RegionLarge enterprisesMedium EnterprisesSmall Enterprises
Central Macedonia50%60%70%
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace50%60%70%
Western Macedonia40%50%60%
Sterea Hellas40%50%60%
Ionian Islands40%50%60%
Western Greece50%60%70%
North Aegean50%60%70%
South Aegean30%40%50%
Athens(Western Sector)15%25%35%
Eastern Attica, Western Attica, Piraeus, Islands25%35%45%


The evaluation of the applications will be made by the method of comparative evaluation. The evaluation of investment projects starts from the date of submission of the application and is completed with the result of the control evaluation by the Evaluation Committee.

For more information, request a telephone appointment by clicking the button below, and a specialized economist from our company will contact you. 

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