SWOT analysis is a very important tool to examine an organization and its environment. The word SWOT refers to Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Factors of SWOT analysis

In ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Finance factors of analysis SWOT analyzes are done in a specific part of the market depending on the needs of the business. We identify critical success factors in each category of analysis and evaluate them. Next, we indicate the points that business executives should focus on when planning strategic actions.WOT

SWOT analysis elements

The SWOT analysis concerns the company and its general environment and studies internal factors:

A) Forces

The characteristics and qualities of the business that form a competitive advantage in the specific market segment

B) Weaknesses

The characteristics and qualities of the business that make it vulnerable to competition

and external factors:

C) Opportunities

The positive points in the external environment that enable the business to exploit and improve its position on the market

D) Threats

The negative elements in the external environment that may put the company at a disadvantage in the market

In ΙΩΝΙΚΗ Finance, we use SWOT analysis to help you understand the business environment in which you operate in a clear and organized way. We want to guide you in making the right decisions to cope with the ever-changing business environment.

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